Food Parcels

To become a beneficiary of a Food Parcel:

A meeting is arranged with the Coordinator of PCSN who will do a needs assessment of the possible beneficiary. Forms have to be completed and visits to the home are made by a volunteer called a Community Chaplain.

If the person is an offender in prison that needs assistance for their family outside, the prison Chaplain Fr.Babychan will visit the inmate and have a form completed and brought back to the office where a responsible family member will be called in to the office for further assessment.

The reason for this project is that it is not easy to find work as an ex-offender, companies don’t easily employ people with a criminal record. Another reason is that when the bread winner in the household is incarcerated the family are left destitute – no food, no money and this tends to lead to negative behavior within the family, crime, gangsters etc. Hunger becomes a driving factor and very often lead to crime.

Every end of month we try to distribute the food parcels to those beneficiaries on this project. We currently have 10 Food Parcel beneficiaries on our database. We do receive any State support for this project and rely on private donations.

If you would like to participate by donating items we would love to hear from you or if you would like to make a monetary donation (any amount helps) please click here to donate.


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